DIY American Girl Cookies - Make Your Own! So Fun and So Easy with Recycled Corks!

DIY American Girl Cookies: Make Your Own

American Girl Brand puts out a plethora of awesome toys for girls, but most come at quite a price tag! Thanks to the modern age of blogs, YouTube, and DIY tutorials, you can make your own American Girl cookies, treats, play snacks and food at home using items from around the home. Recycled corks can swiftly become gourmet AG bakery cookies. Follow these simple steps to make your own DIY miniature cookie crafts for your American Girl, Glitter Girl, or other 18-inch dolls—or stuffed animals!

I always feel bad throwing out corks. Not anymore! Now we turn recycled corks info fun crafts. Try these super creative yet simple steps to make pretend cookies for dolls and stuffed animals.

doll cookies

Recycled Corks for the Win!

Corks ordered in bulk, saved from wine bottles, or leftovers from other projects make perfect American Girl cookies. The possibilities are endless when you make your own doll cookies using old corks and paint. Consider these fun pretend cookie designs to dazzle your dolls and stuffed animals with fun play food.

  • Chocolate Chip – Make chocolate chip cookies with plain corks and brown puffy paint to simulate chocolate chips.
  • Sugar Cookies – Show off your extra creative side using puffy paint as icing and topping with adorable Fimo clay sprinkles.
  • Flower Cookies – Use dimensional dotting paint to make flower shapes on the pretend cork cookies.

Decorating pretend cookies for American girls and other dolls or stuffies is great fun for parents and kids alike! This memorable craft is super easy and lots of fun for school-aged kids and even their preschooler siblings.

Recycled Corks for Crafts!

Make Your Own American Girl Cookies

Doll cookies are almost as much fun to make as regular cookies! Try these simple steps to hook your dolls and stuffed animals up with their own bakery. (You can even use these as Barbie cookies!)


Recycled Corks (buy in bulk on Amazon)

Puffy Paint (So many colors and styles!!)

Clay Sprinkles (Ahh, so much cuteness – how will we ever choose?! We are definitely going to need more corks!)

American Girl Cookies Instructions:

  1. An adult should cut a rubber or natural cork into individual slices. These slices should be about ¼ inch thick, resembling miniature cookies.
  2. Place newspaper down to protect your work surface.
  3. Use dimensional paint / puffy paint to decorate each of the cookies.
  4. Work slowly if you plan to use more than one color and avoid dragging the paint tips in other colors.
  5. Add Fimo clay sprinkles if desired or use other tiny craft elements as toppings if you wish.
  6. Set aside to dry for several hours or overnight to be on the safe side.
  7. Enjoy the finished beauty of your handmade American Girl play cookies!

American Girl Cookies Craft

Tips on Making Pretend Cookies

  • Paper or cardboard boxes from jewelry purchases make excellent “bakery boxes” for your craft cookies!
  • It’s easy to make a cookie sheet for your play cookies, too. Simply cut a small piece of sturdy cardboard to size. Then wrap it with tin foil. Finish with a layer of clear packaging tape for durability.

We hope you like this fun craft as much as we do! Be sure to share your photos on our Facebook page and leave us a comment below.

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